A better reason to observe Halloween
While most of the world will observe Halloween with its ghosts, goblins and practices which have their roots in the pagan beliefs and practices of pre-Christian Europe, a few of us observe October 31 for another reason.
It was on that day in 1517 — on All Hallow’s Eve (the evening before All Saint’s Day) — a German priest and monk nailed 95 theses or statements to the community bulletin board of the day, the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. And the posting of those statements, meant to challenge and encourage debate over the sale of indulgences in the German lands, was the spark which led to the Lutheran Reformation — an event which changed the world.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
In a relationship with Jesus or in fellowship with God?
We hear much talk these days about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and, while the concept is not necessarily bad, it’s not exactly Biblical. Fellowship, on the other hand, is a Biblical concept and something which believers have with God the Father through faith in the Son, Jesus Christ.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Is the Word of God no longer efficacious?
Is the Word of God no longer efficacious? Is it ineffective when it comes to bringing people into Christ’s church made up of all who repent of their sins and trust solely in Jesus Christ and His blood shed upon the cross for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting? Looking at how churches operate, one would certainly think so.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
I fear many churches have gone astray
I fear that many churches have gone astray. Instead of following Christ and seeking to build Christ’s church Christ’s way, they seek to build earthly churches the world’s way. What do I mean? Instead of preaching the message Christ Jesus commanded His church to proclaim in this lost and dying world, so many churches proclaim themselves and seek to appeal to the masses by their entertaining programs, their contemporary music, their community service projects and their giveaways — all things which people can find outside the church as well. And though, sometimes, people flock through the doors, such churches fail to meet the greatest needs of the people: forgiveness for their sins and fellowship with their God and Maker.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Where and why do you go to church?
While many may find Lutheran worship “outdated” and less than exciting, it certainly is not. It offers and gives to sinners God’s mercy and forgiveness and life everlasting through faith in Christ Jesus and His blood shed upon the cross. It is a service to meet our greatest needs through Word and Sacrament.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll