How do you choose a church?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
A knock on the door that changed the world
Though Halloween is often associated with knocks on the door and children’s voices saying “trick or treat,” there was one Halloween knock on the door which was heard around the world.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Five most significant events in history
Being interested in the history which has shaped the present-day world and in historical events which are of significance to all people, I have compiled a brief list of significant events to which all would do well to give heed. They are events about which most — at least in my generation — have heard but which many seem to ignore.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
How should Christians worship, contemporary or traditional?
How should Christians worship, contemporary or traditional? What does the Bible say?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Flawed view of man leads to flawed solutions to violence
While many may not agree with me, I’d like to point out a denial of Biblical truth which has permeated modern thinking and leads to flawed approaches to dealing with what psychologists and sociologists would call deviant or pathological behavior — deviant being contrary to socially accepted norms, and pathological often being associated with mental deficiencies and mental illness.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll