Category Articles

  • I don’t often retranslate a Bible passage from the Greek but, in this case, it is helpful to understand what it is Jesus is telling us in His great commission. And most Bible translations come a bit short in conveying the full message of this passage.

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  • “Keeping the Reformation in Context” sounds like one of those sermon titles someone in a liberal church might write – offering up some new meaning to the Lutheran Reformation that has nothing to do with the truth. But this title has to do, instead, with keeping to the truth brought to light and proclaimed through the Lutheran Reformation and not altering it or changing its meaning.

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  • Again and again, I hear preachers telling mourning loved ones that this person or that is, without a doubt, in heaven because of how much he loved Jesus, how many people’s lives she touched, how strong a faith he had, or how much good she accomplished in her lifetime. I can’t help but wonder, “Was it enough?”

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  • Being interested in the history which has shaped the present-day world and in historical events which are of significance to all people, I have compiled a brief list of significant events to which all would do well to give heed. They are events about which most — at least in my generation — have heard but which many seem to ignore.

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  • How should Christians worship, contemporary or traditional? What does the Bible say?

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