Category Bible Study
Romans 9 sermon text and notes
Romans 9 sermon text and notes
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Some surefire ways to go to hell!
Since many people I meet show little interest in heaven and express little desire to go there, I thought I’d provide a few instructions on how to go to hell instead.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Why was it written that Abraham believed God and God counted it to him for righteousness?
Why was it written in the Bible that “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness” (Rom. 4:3; Gen. 15:6)?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Can one be a Christian and practice sexual immorality?
Those calling themselves Christian but who endorse sexual immorality haven’t read and accepted the clear teaching of the Bible.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
What does the Bible teach?
What does the Bible teach? Sad to say, most people have not read the Bible in its entirety, and many have no idea what it really teaches. Though much more detail could be provided, what follows is a brief summary of the Bible’s teaching.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll