Category Bible Study
Bible Study: Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Why do we hope in the LORD? A Bible study on Psalm 33
What does this psalm say about worshipping the LORD? What type of instruments are mentioned for use in praise? What kind of song was to be used in praise?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
What does Jesus’ ascension mean to believers today?
What benefits do we as believers derive through Jesus’ ascension?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Psalm 121 — A Song of Ascents
1. Where do we look for help? Where was the city of Jerusalem located? What was in Jerusalem? Whose presence was sought in the temple at Jerusalem? (Remember that this psalm was used as the people ascended the hills of Judea to Mt. Zion and the site of the temple where Jehovah God served His people through sacrifices for forgiveness and with His holy Word.)
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
What does the Bible actually teach?
What does the Bible teach? Sad to say, most people have not read the Bible in its entirety and many have no idea what it really teaches. Though much more detail could be provided, what follows is a brief summary of the Bible’s teaching.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll