Category Devotions
'In the world ye shall have tribulation….'
Though we must endure tribulation in this world, we can have peace in Christ Jesus. He has redeemed us from sin and death by His own innocent sufferings and death in our stead and He has risen again in victory.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
With knowledge comes responsibility
With knowledge comes responsibility. Knowing the truth and not acting on it brings greater guilt than failing to act because one did not know.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
How do you respond to the news of Christ’s birth?
You have heard of Christ’s birth. You have heard God’s offer of mercy and forgiveness to all who repent and look to Jesus in faith for pardon and life eternal. How do you respond?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Are you ready to depart this life in peace?
When we depart this life, can we say with Simeon, “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word…”?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Far more than a quaint story
Far more than a quaint story, these verses from Luke, chapter two, describe a historical event which occurred at a real time and in a real place. It happened in the days of the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus. Cyrenius was the governor of Syria.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll