Category Devotions

  • Like the grain of wheat that must sacrifice itself in order to produce more wheat, so Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself to save mankind from sin and its eternal punishment. He died so that sinful men might receive forgiveness of sins and become children of God through faith in Him.

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  • Will you die in your sins? Jesus made atonement for the sins of all. Why not turn to Him in faith and be saved?

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  • Again and again, I hear preachers telling mourning loved ones that this person is, without a doubt, in heaven because of how much he loved Jesus, how many people’s lives she touched, how strong his faith was, or how much good she accomplished in her lifetime.

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  • Do you know what the triumphal entry and the events of that day are all about? Yes, you may know what happened on that day – how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt and was hailed King of the Jews, but why? What does it all mean?

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  • And what of Lazarus? Do you think he was shaking in his sandals at the thought of being put to death for his witness to Jesus? He had already been dead once and Jesus raised him from the dead by calling him forth from the tomb, saying, “Lazarus, come out!”

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