Category Podcast
Rejoice when people follow Jesus
While there is much to be learned from this text, I draw your attention especially to two points. The first relates to our place as ministers of the Gospel, and the second to the importance of placing our faith and hope in Christ Jesus and His ministry of Word and Sacrament.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
'If any man thirst ...'
As Jesus offered living water to the woman at the well in Samaria, He offers it to all who had come to the temple in search of God’s mercy and blessing. He offers it to you and to me, as well!
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Jesus’ teaching is that of God
What Jesus taught was not some new doctrine; it was and is the same doctrine taught and revealed throughout the Holy Scriptures.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
What do we learn from the Christmas Gospel?
Far more than a quaint story, these verses from Luke, chapter two, describe a historical event that occurred at a real time in history and in a real place in this world. It was the fulfillment of all those ancient prophecies that promised the Seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent and the one who would redeem His people from their sins (Gen. 3:15; Ps. 130:7-8).
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Why did Zacharias give praise to the Lord?
In the Song of Zacharias, his Benedictus or words of praise to the LORD God of Israel inspired by the Holy Spirit, Zacharias gives the reason for His song of praise to God …
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll