Category Devotions

  • Many do not accept Jesus’ words and turn away from following the Jesus of the Bible because they stumble over Jesus’ claims to the eternal God in human flesh, the perfect and only acceptable sacrifice for the sins of the world. They do not partake of Him in faith …

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  • If only Jesus had been there, Lazarus would not have died! So thought both Martha and Mary, Lazarus’ sisters (John 11:21,32). We, too, may have had similar thoughts when we lost a loved one to death — if only Jesus would have been here!

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  • Have you ever considered what a blessing it is to have the forgiveness of God? What a blessing to have the LORD not hold your sins and iniquities against you?

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  • Many times, the truth’s worst persecutors come from within the outward, visible church — from those who should accept and embrace the truth but do not because it calls into question the validity of established beliefs and traditions.

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  • How could Jesus be the life-giving Son of God, come down from heaven to give spiritual and eternal life to sinners? Jesus’ Jewish hearers stumbled over this question because they knew Mary and Joseph, His parents.

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