Category Devotions

  • Is Jesus the long-promised Messiah and Savior? That’s what the Jews demanded of Jesus to tell them, but it did no good because the people did not believe Jesus’ claims to be the Messiah …

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  • Why do people call on pastors and churches? Is it for spiritual food to nourish their starving souls? No, it is almost always for earthly food, money to pay the bills or free clothing.

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  • What do these words of our Lord Jesus say to us today? To pastors, it is a stern warning to shepherd God’s sheep with God’s Word. To the sheep, it is a reminder that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, continues to watch over our souls.

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  • Should we be fearful when trouble comes our way, or should we be amazed when Jesus meets all our needs? Are our hearts hardened?

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  • Could it be that your own opinions and beliefs are keeping you from knowing and trusting in Jesus as the promised Messiah and Savior of the world?

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