Category Articles
Resolution for rest of my life
Rather than making a long list of resolves I will likely fail to achieve, I decided to focus on my greatest need at this point in life and travel in that direction one step at a time.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
It was the pivotal point of human history!
There is one event in history that outweighs them all and has more significance to every person who has ever lived or will live than any other. And for many, the observation of the anniversary date of this event goes largely unnoticed.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Society, too, stands or falls based on acceptance of Genesis creation account
Acceptance of the Genesis creation account is also crucial to the maintenance of society and the establishment of moral values and norms.
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
Godly advice from a father to his children
The most important advice I can give you is to follow Christ and continue in His Word. Nothing in this life compares to the riches and the joy which come from knowing Jesus Christ, His forgiveness, and the hope of everlasting life with Him in heaven!
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll
How did life and all things begin?
How is it that this world and the universe came to be? How did life begin and why does it go on? Is it all the result of chance over extreme lengths of time? Or is it the result of an intelligent creator who wisely designed and created all things?
Posted · Author Pastor Randy Moll